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Virtual Kung Fu Academy.

Perhaps you have purchased courses or videos before, but not been able to follow along or commit? Or you want to join a professional school, but there is none in your area, or the class timetable doesn't suit your schedule?

I have been thinking of the best way to teach online- after 30 years of being a professional instructor with 25 years owning my own full time academy- I have finally figured it out!

I can do this by limiting the intake, so that I can give individual feedback, help and training guidance to each online student. This is not purchasing a course, it is joining an academy.

The academy has three aspects: 

1) The classroom

This is where you get access to weekly lessons- taught in a progressive manner from the fundamental movements to the most advanced forms.

2: The community page. 

This is an interactive page where you can ask questions, upload videos, as well as interact with fellow students, to help each other.

The community is inside the academy, and is completely private.

Also, within the community page you will see links to our third part:

3) Individual video correction and feedback.

This is perhaps the most valuable part of the academy: Film what you are working on with your phone, send me a link, and I will shoot you a personal video- with three suggestions of how to improve, and what to work on. This takes all the guesswork out and is a chance to pick up details you may have missed in the weekly lesson. This can be shared in the community, or kept entirely private if you prefer.

The  video can be downloaded onto your computer to keep for your reference.

Filming yourself is entirely optional, you do not need to do this if you prefer to work alone.

I found this to be more valuable than 'Zoom' lessons, because you don't need to commit to a particular time that may not be convenient, and the reply is specific to each individual student- so you don't need to worry about keeping up with a class, or being held back.

4: Testing and Certificates: 

This is optional- if you want an official Rising Crane Certificate at the end of each level, you can video yourself, send it to me and I will send you your certificate.

As you can see-:this is not your typical course- it is an interactive community that will be the closest thing to training in my school- with the same classes and curriculum, but much cheaper and at your convenience.

One of the greatest joys in my life is the friendships I have made through travelling the world learning and teaching. With a 'Virtual Academy' I will be able to teach classes from all over the world and have some amazing guest instructors including Kung Fu master Rik Kellerman from Ten Tigers Academy  in New York, Pavel Macek- master level strength and conditioning coach, and head of 'Practical Hung Kyun' as well as my incredible Kung Fu family in Hong Kong and China. There are other instructors to be announced. As a member, you will have access to these wonderful teachers as I film my training and put bonus lessons on the online academy.

I recommend trying my free courses and short courses first, to give you a taste of the style, and when you are ready to join the 'online academy'- you can join and get started with your first lessons.

Hope to see you in the class,

David Rogers Sifu,

Chief Instructor.

p.s- want to know more about me, and why you should learn at my school?

Well you can check out MY WEBSITE where I tell you about myself, and link to a lot of articles and interviews etc.

Want to see more videos of my students, kung fu, tai chi and my fight team? There are over 100 videos on my  YOUTUBE CHANNEL

I also have a FACEBOOK PAGE where I share a lot of free content.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can I take the course on any device?

    Absolutely! You can use tablet, phone or computer- so you will never be without your lessons.

  • Once I have signed up how do I get new material?

    You get instant access the first lessons, with new lessons added every week. There is a complete course of fundamentals, including warm ups and your first form. The lessons progress to the most advanced level. There are currently over 3 years worth of lessons, with more being uploaded every week, so you can stay a member and keep learning for as long as you want.

  • Is it suitable for beginners?

    Absolutely! The course contains a complete 26 week training program for complete beginners that will teach you all of the fundamentals of tai chi. I will help you every step of the way, with feedback, and answering all of your training questions.further levels, will get progressively harder as your skill and knowledge improves- but don't worry! You can follow at your own pace.

  • Can you really learn kung fu or tai chi online?

    I often get asked this, and made a video especially to answer it. (Spoiler: The answer is 'Yes!') You can check out the video on my Youtube channel. There is a link at the bottom of this page.

  • How much do I need to practise to keep up?

    Ideally, you need to follow the class a couple of times per week to really 'get it'. Of course- you can split the class into 2 30minute sessions if it fits your time better. Generally- the more you practise the better you will get, but I would suggest not jumping ahead or rushing through the content. Quality is better than quantity!

  • Can I cancel my membership any time?

    Yes, you can. (I would be sad to see you go- but there is no contract or minimum membership.) You can leave any time.

  • Will you teach advanced material also?

    Once you have completed the fundamental curriculum, there are more advanced courses in the academy. Beginners are welcome to check it out- but I would advise not rushing into these- take the first year material and really get good at it. Remember: 'A deeper the tree's roots are, the higher it can grow.'

  • Do I need to record myself?

    No! If you would rather just ask questions by text or audio, you can. Of course, if you do let me see you- I can give you personal corrections, and you will improve more. Also by sharing and helping fellow students- you can all learn from my corrections and explanations. But some people would rather not, and that is completely fine.

  • Is there any ranking or testing in the course?

    For those that want to- as you complete each chapter of the course, you can record yourself and send it to me. I will send you an official certificate of completion as a recognition of your hard work!

Check out what people are saying:

We have over 300 reviews on Google and Facebook, you can see for yourself what our members think of us.


Sifu Rik Kellerman

As a Martial Artist with over 47 years experience, and teaching for 35 years, I can say with the highest confidence that Sifu David Rogers is one of the finest instructors I have ever had the pleasure to meet and train with. He is a rare find. In a profession that is full of overnight experts, to see someone that has devoted his entire life to the study and practice of Martial Arts. David continues to explore and improve his art, his teaching, and of course, his students. He is a caring instructor, with a personal approach, tending to the individual needs of each student. His vast knowledge, coupled with his warm sense of humor makes each class fun, exciting and informative.


The San Francisco Hung Gar Kung Fu Association

After over 40 years in the martial arts, I count Rising Crane Centre founder and chief instructor David Rogers as an amazing colleague, and a dear, trusted friend. Exemplary in his field, he has traveled the world, training and learning from lineage masters, and great modern innovators alike. This knowledge and experience, and the passion that David Rogers has for helping others find their own focus in fitness, traditional, and progressive martial arts programs is no less than inspirational, and will always put Rising Crane at the vanguard!


Pavel Macek Sifu, 'Practical Hung Kyun'

Best of the traditional and modern combat arts for health, strength, combat efficiency and personal development. Respect!



Love learning at the Rising Crane. Very patient, knowledgeable teachers who make lessons fun. Also tai chi has done wonders my back and my posture. Would definitely recommend.



David Rogers Sifu is a kind and honest man. I had the honour of spending a few days under his lead and learned a lot even for such a short time. Great practical skills and a cheerful, yet firm attitude.



I have been training at the Rising Crane for 20 years now and still learn something new each week! Training with Sifu Rogers is an honour and over the years has become an inspiration and a good friend, the level of knowledge which is shared is unconditional, all coaches are trained to the highest standard and are friendly , helpful and a joy to know. I never imagined myself to be any good at martial arts and to this day I go for friendships I’ve grown and for the people I’ve learned to call my Kung Fu family 🙏 So if you think you want to try but can’t see yourself completely immersed in the martial arts world, then come for confidence building the encouragement and the friendships. Good luck



Great gym. Deep understanding on several Martial arts. All trainers are very skilled and experienced always willing to help and to share their knowledge with you. Atmosphere during trainings is good and safe for everyone. Training since one year ago here and planning to keep doing it so for as long as I can.



Great place, great teacher, offering an extremely rare opportunity to learn both MMA and high quality traditional Chinese martial arts, taught with rigour and intelligence. Bedford you are blessed to have Rising Crane on your doorstep. David is a true exponent of the martial arts mindset, always seeking excellence.



Happy helpful friendly people with a lot to share would recommend to anyone who is looking to live a full healthy life come and have a go and enjoy learning some new skills or even improve on old ones at the same time as getting fit and learning to free your mind



Rising Crane was recommended to me by a friend. As a total beginner with some motivational difficulties, I've found it instructive and helpful with staff and other members who are friendly and patient. Just wonderful for someone like me who needs to take her own time while seeing where more experienced members have got to. A nicely balanced approach, taught by people who really care.

"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is today."